Monday, July 13, 2009


Well, the original idea for this video Art Project, was to address my life and break dancing. I would set up a mat hi the play button and of course using a variety of shots while splicing in an out footage of what I do, like clearing a house in all my gear, to reenactments of my once "not so great" child hood, and then once finished with the breaking I'd get up and address the camera in a pissed off grab the camera and say something along the lines, "Fucking Lame Ass Emasculated Bitches, you think you're life sucked. Fucking get over your-selves. God damn pussies" and then throw down the camera. Then cut to text saying something like, "If you're so weak that you resort to your own extermination, Do it. We need real men and women, not this Pansy pussy footed society we seem to be creating today." However, I can't Break for maybe a week, if I am lucky. Messed up my feet pretty good on a Ruck march.
So I am down to two ideas. Since this is Video art and one can get away with just about anything I was thinking the easy cop out of "The Creative process" and splice together a random montage of odd footage that if done right people with orgasm over because it looks so creative.
The other is How I could address the my age old battle with College and their absence policies and how teachers have become no better than Facist Nazi's employed under a Capitalized system, where College used to be a service rather than a business. I pay for the product there for I have the right to use it or not and not be punished. But some how Schools have gotten or let their teachers get so far up their own rear ends that they think that their god sent goal is to control and "Steer" with their Unbreakable holy Sysllabus and product lists. So to sum up a rant and put it into video The life of a poor college Student who struggles against a higher oprressive power that hides behind good ideals that were once held up years ago.


  1. Garrett,

    This posting and the prior quiz posting are very offensive. Please refrain from posting vulgar, non-academic responses as homework. Thank you.

  2. Write a professional, well-written Project Proposal in paragraph form. This must include:
    1) your concept clearly stated
    2) what type of footage (location, who is in the video)
    3) your intention (what you want the audience to think about the piece)
    4) audio details, sequencing and shots, and timing
    5) It must be in paragraph form, spell checked, grammar checked, and typed.
    6) You must POST IT ON YOUR BLOG! by 11am, and I will give you written feedback!

    ** This proposal does not meet the requirements.
